Basilica Cistern

Basilica Cistern
There’re 336 columns of which height is 9m.

It was named “Sunken Cistern” among public. As there was Basilica where cistern is, it was called as “Basilica Cistern” in Byzantium time.


There’re 336 columns of which height is 9m. These columns compose of 12 rows, namely 28 columns in each and there is 4.80m between each. The ceiling gravity is distributed to columns through arches. The majority of the columns that were collected among older structures and sculptured in different marble types consist of one whole part and some of them consist of two parts.


The capitals of columns are of different characteristics. 98 of them reflect Corinthian style, while others are of Doric style. Walls of the cistern, built with 4.80m thick bricks, and bricked floor were made waterproof. This cistern lay on 9.800 square meters field and has the capacity of 100.000 tones water storage. Except for some of the columns that are cornered or ribbed, others are mainly in cylinder shape.


Medusa Head as a column base
Medusa Head as a column base

Two medusa heads used as the bases of two columns dating to Roman Period. It isnt known where these medusa heads were taken and brought in the cistern, yet they are the ones attracting visitors most. Researchers in general believe that they were brought with a sole purpose to be used as column bases. However, this opinion was not enough and still there are some myths about Medusa heads.









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